Forum Year-Round Initiatives provide opportunities to unite, equip, and resource evangelical leaders throughout the year.
Year-Round Mentoring
2025-2026 Year-Round Mentoring Opportunities Available!
Year-Round Mentoring (YRM) is intended to unite, equip, resource, and support evangelical leaders throughout the year. YRM groups gather leaders with similar callings or ministries into small groups of 10 to 15. YRM participants can expect to:
Learn valuable skills from senior evangelical leaders
Join in community with like-minded peers
Be encouraged and grow in their ministries
Be mentored in your specific calling
Be developed toward the Forum leader impacts.
Cambridge Leaders Network
The Cambridge Leaders Network (CLN) is an invitation-only seminar intended to mentor emerging evangelical leaders, helping them face leadership challenges.
Registration is Open!
Cambridge Scholars Network
The Cambridge Scholars Network (CSN) is designed to encourage evangelical Ph.D. students to consider their disciplines and calling from a biblical standpoint.
Registration is Open!
Online One-on-one Mentoring
Online One-on-one Mentoring seeks to unite, equip, and resource evangelical leaders personally, professionally, and spiritually throughout the year by connecting them with experienced mentors and leaders who can mentor them and speak into their lives and ministries. Online One-on-one mentoring expands support to leaders and facilitates mentoring connections throughout the year by:
Recruiting trusted ELF leaders as mentors with extensive experience in their field and a heart to serve
Providing a platform for leaders to find suitable mentors in their field or issue area and request an online meeting time.
Online One-on-one Mentoring will be available first to ELF participants. Let us know if you are interested in Online One-on-one Mentoring by filling out the form below.
Ten-Week Courses
The courses are run for 8 to 12 people in English, with the goal of working with leaders who go through the course to eventually offer a 10-week course in their own country language.
The ten-week-long training track will involve weekly interactive Zoom sessions. Prior to each session, trainees will need to watch a short training video, read a short article and undertake a short written assignment.
Trainees will need to set aside about two to three hours a week for this track (75–90 minutes virtual meeting, 30 minutes watching the training videos, 15 minutes reading and 30 minutes of writing assignment).
Leadership Seminars
Leadership Seminars is an initiative that connects Forum speakers with you, facilitating their participation in events throughout Europe. We encourage you to consider inviting a speaker for evangelistic or apologetic events, to encourage and challenge believers, and to conduct small-groups and one-on-one mentoring meetings with local leaders.
Online Resources
The Forum of Christian Leaders online provides critical resources for Christian Leaders wherever you are. We bring you leading speakers from around the world providing 2-3 minute answers to key questions, 15-30 minute talks on important issues to the church, longer workshops and in-depth live webinars where you can interact.