List of 2025/2026 Year-Round Mentoring Groups

Click on the initiative that interests you to learn more.

Cultural Apologetics 2025/26

Disciple-Making Leaders


Marketing Communications


Scientific Apologetics


Youth Ministry Leaders


Bible Preachers & Teachers


Marketplace Leaders


Pastoral Growth

/one-on-one/ 2025/26

Music & Worship Leaders


Church Revitalisation


Emerging Leaders 2025/26

Men’s Discipleship

/one-on-one/ 2025/26

Witnessing to Muslims 2025/2026

Women in Leadership 2025/26

Church Life, Leadership & Planting


Leaders of Christian Events 2025/26

Principles Of Biblical Leadership


Women in Discipleship

/one-on-one/ 2025/26

Participants in all YRM networks are asked to complete a variety of reading and writing assignments that will help further their development as leaders in their respective fields.

The program starts with a Pre-Forum Seminar at the European Leadership Forum on May 17 from 14:00-17:30. For this purpose, you must also be registered and accepted to the 2025 ELF. Please use this link to read more about ELF and how to apply.

The following fees will apply to YRM participants: Retreat - 175 Euros, or 125 Euros for scholarship recipients. For the retreat, participants also have the option of paying 225 Euros in order to stay in a single room. The only way to stay in a single room at the retreat is to choose this 190 Euros option on your YRM application form. Participants may not alter the reservation upon checking in. Pre-Forum Conference - 90 Euros for a double room, 125 Euros for a single room, and 60 Euros for scholarship recipients.

 Why and How to Grow as a Leader Through a Mentoring Relationship