Year-Round Mentoring Group on Witnessing to Muslims
with Dr Emil Shehadeh
Programme Overview
To equip Christian Evangelists or individual Christians interested in evangelising Muslims, to effectively share the Gospel with Muslims. This involves some knowledge of Islam and how it impacts individual and societal worldviews. It also involves understanding which Christian doctrines seem to present a problem to the Muslim mind. Above all, this course will deal with defining the Gospel of Christ, how to share it and how to answer questions posed by Muslim seeker. Our aim is not to equip people to win arguments, but rather to win souls for Christ.
Bible-believing Christians who are currently involved or feel called by God to get involved in evangelizing Muslims.
The program starts with a Pre-Forum Seminar at the European Leadership Forum on May 17 from 14:00-17:30. For this purpose, you must also be registered and accepted to the 2025 ELF. Please use this link to read more about ELF and how to apply.
Pre-Forum Seminar at the 2025 Forum in Wisła, Poland on 17 May (14:00-17:30 CEST)
Five two-hour webinars and webinar assignments
Three-day retreat from noon to noon on 2-4 December 2025 (Budapest, Hungary)
Pre-Forum Conference at the 2026 Forum (Friday, 15 May, dinner together – Saturday, 16 May, morning). Participants will still need to apply for the Forum and will be responsible for paying Forum fees in order to participate in the 2025 Forum. Participants must also pay for their own travel expenses.
YRM Leader
Emil Shehadeh is a semi-retired family physician born in Galilee and educated mainly in the UK. His parents were Arabic -speaking evangelists. His surrogate parents in the UK were also evangelicals, Dad an ordained Anglican vicar and a lecturer at London Bible College (now LST) in comparative religions, with an interest in Islam. Emil has always maintained an interest in Islam. He has written numerous books to help equip Christians to reach Muslims for Christ. He has a PhD from Logos University, USA and is currently engaged in research in conversion studies. Emil believes that evangelising Muslims is a challenge which faces most Christians almost everywhere, and for which we should all be adequately prepared.
Application Process
To apply:
Thoroughly review the curriculum.
Complete the online application.
All applications will be reviewed. We will notify you whether or not you have been accepted as a participant in the 2025-26 programme within four to six weeks.
If you have questions, contact us at initiatives@euroleadership.org.