Our Mission

The Forum of Christian Leaders (FOCL) exists to unite, equip, and resource global evangelical leaders to the end of world evangelism and the renewal of the biblical church.

Our Strategy

Europe became the first evangelized continent after Christ’s command in Mark 16, but today it is the first post-Christian continent. We believe a biblical renewal of Europe is possible. Our work starts in Europe, then broadens globally using the following four quadrants of ministry:

1) European Leadership Forum Annual Meeting: An invitation-only, intensive week-long event that unites, equips, and resources Europe’s evangelical leaders. See Euroleadership.org for more information.

2) Forum Initiatives: Specialized, small group training for evangelical leaders throughout the year.

3) Forum Movement: Local and regional strategies initiated by Forum attendees which share Forum resources across Europe.

4) Forum Global: Biblical resources provided year-round for evangelical leaders across the globe.

Initiatives Team

Tony Myrick.jpg

Tony Myrick received his B.A. in Biblical Studies and M.A. in New Testament Studies from Wheaton College. He has worked for nearly 20 years in para-church and local church contexts, teaching, developing, and maturing Christian leaders. Tony served as the Minister of Discipleship at Traders Point Christian Church, which has 1800 members and 160 small groups, for nearly a decade before coming to work as the Vice President of Strategy and Education at the Forum of Christian Leaders.



Milena Nikolova earned her B.A. Degrees in Economics and English Philology, and her M.A. Degree in Logistics Management. Before joining the Forum Initiatives Team at the Forum of Christian Leaders, she worked for many years at a big international company, where she was dealing with the Logistics and the Procurement. She has experience in organizing events for teenagers, youths and families. She is married to a musician and they have two little twins Pavel and Stefan and live in Varna, Bulgaria.


Magdalena (Magda) Szyszkowska received her B.A. in Czech Philology and M.A. in American Culture from Warsaw University. Before joining the Forum Initiatives Team at the Forum of Christian Leaders, she worked for the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, organizing historical events, conferences, and commemorations. Before JHI, she worked as a secretary in Campus Crusade for Christ. Magda is actively engaged in her church as a choir member and as a leader on the women's ministry team.
