Year-Round Mentoring in Pastoral Growth
with Jay Mosser and Ed Doepel
Here is What Past Participants Say
“Even after 20 years of ministry, I feel that I need a mentor. I am so grateful to be a part of YRM for pastoral growth with pastor Jay Mosser. It helps me a lot in my ministry to have an older pastor with whom I can share the burdens of ministry, be open and at the same time receive a lot of good advice, listening prayers, and encouragement that I need for going on in ministry. I recommend this for everyone who wants to grow deeper in the Lord and be edified, encouraged, and sharpen for ministry and advancing God’s kingdom.”
- Nick Lica, a pastor from the Czech Republic
Programme Overview
Fruitful, long-term effectiveness is the goal of everyone in ministry. No one wants to simply finish the race; we want to finish strong. This Year-Round Mentoring program is designed to mentor pastors one-on-one, or in a small group of 3-4 pastors in the personal and ministry needs they have in order to achieve fruitful and effective long-term ministry.
1) Growth and focus on personal spiritual health as pastoral leaders with our families, schedules, and churches
2) Learning how to make decisions for personal encouragement, accountability, and help in pastoral ministry
3) Learning how to prepare ourselves for work in the church, building healthy teams and leading church services and ministry events
4) Growth in developing communities where deep spiritual change can happen through Christ
Church Ministry is 80% invisible and 20% visible.
80% Invisible
Who you are in Christ is more important than anything you do. This is an opportunity to focus on our personal spiritual growth and health. It is a chance to look at our lives, our families, our schedules, how we make decisions, and where we go for help and encouragement.
20% Visible
Your preparation and planning will determine the effectiveness of the 20% that everyone sees. How do you prepare yourself for your work? What is the role of planning and team building? In this part we will discuss what it means to be prepared for Sundays or church ministry events. In addition, we will talk about healthy planning for ministry and service.
There is no set curriculum or method. Depending on a particular pastor’s challenges, different topics and strategies may be appropriate. Various articles, video lectures, or books would be assigned and discussed.
YRM for Pastoral Growth would include 8 to 10 one-on-one, or small group meetings with other pastors over the course of 12 months, including two face-to-face meetings at ELF’s annual meeting and by Zoom.
Attending one-on-one or in a small group Zoom meetings over the course of 12 months, including one-on-one meetings during the ELF annual meetings in May 2025 and 2026.
Access all Zoom meetings on a computer with a good Internet connection, using a head-set.
Complete all assignments (including reading, watching videos, and writing) before each Zoom meeting.
In order to be accepted to next years' European Leadership Forum all Year-Round Mentoring participants will need to nominate two other leaders for the following year Year-Round Mentoring which includes personally contacting and recruiting them by email.
You will be paired either with Ed Doepel or Jay Mosser for the Year-Round Mentoring.
Jay Mosser has served in pastoral roles for nearly 40 years – about 20 years in various assistant pastor capacities and the rest as senior pastor. Through those years he has served in three churches ranging from small (less than 50) to large (about 1,000). Along the way he has worked with children, teens, worship ministry, pastoral care, and preaching and leadership. Jay has an M.Div from Western (Conservative Baptist) Seminary and a D.Min from Borgan University in Oregon, where his doctoral thesis was titled “How a Pastor’s Theology of Shepherding Affects the Health & Growth of a Church.” He is married to Kathy and has three daughters and three grandchildren. In his spare time, he loves to read, hike, travel, watch sports, and spend time with his family.
Jay Mosser
Ed Doepel
Ed Doepel is a retired pastor who served for forty-two years. He has planted six churches, four in the US and two in the Persian Gulf, and has led churches from eight people to three thousand in membership. He is a veteran of Operation Desert Storm where he served as a combat Chaplain in the US Army. Ed is currently serving as a Police Chaplain in suburban Chicago. He and his wife are residents of Sarasota, Florida, and they have three grown children and nine grandchildren.
Application Process
To apply:
Thoroughly review the curriculum.
Complete the online application.
Once we have received your online form, your application will be considered complete. We will review completed applications and let you know if you are accepted into the program within four to six weeks.
If you have questions, contact us at initiatives@euroleadership.org.