Year-Round Mentoring Group in Scientific Apologetics

with Alexander Fink

What Past Participants Are Saying?


“As I am working in a scientific institute, this knowledge could have a valuable advantage during discussions of faith/science with colleagues. I plan to hold presentations about the topics in my local church group. The presentation had to be held at the pre-forum and the evaluation gave me many valuable feedbacks. I would say special thanks to Alexander, because of his patient attitude.”

Tétény Baross, mechanical Engineer in the Centre for Energy Research in Budapest, Hungary

Rucki, Stepan_Photo.jpg

“The YRM has been really helpful: it has been encouraging to meet other Christian scientists and share our stories. It has shown me how we can all defend God from our different perspectives. I am thankful for the opportunity and I surely will apply everything when asked to give public talks on science and God.”

Daniel Fernández, a scientist from Spain

 “I learned how to formulate my thoughts more precisely in my papers. I enjoy the interaction with interesting people on interesting topics. Alexander gave very well-prepared presentations.”

Stepan Rucki, head of the pediatric department in a community hospital in the Czech Republic

Programme Overview


To provide scientists and scientific apologists a year-round forum to unite and equip them for understanding and communicating persuasively that science goes well alongside faith in the biblical God.

The program starts with a Pre-Forum Seminar at the European Leadership Forum on May 17 from 14:00-17:30. For this purpose, you must also be registered and accepted to the 2025 ELF. Please use this link to read more about ELF and how to apply.


1.     Pre-Forum Seminar at the 2025 Forum in Wisła, Poland on 17 May (14:00-17:30 CEST)

2.     Five 90-minute-webinars with assignments

3.     Three-day retreat from noon to noon on 2-4 December 2025 in Budapest, Hungary

4.     Pre-Forum Conference at the 2026 Forum (Friday, 15 May, dinner together – Saturday, 16 May, morning). Participants will still need to apply for the Forum and will be responsible for paying Forum fees in order to participate in the 2025 Forum. Participants must also pay for their own travel expenses.


Up to fifteen Christian scientists or scientific apologists
who want to use their scientific skills for persuasive communication of the gospel in their cultural context
and who are willing to think and learn with other Christians who might hold different opinions e.g. on issues like creation and evolution etc.


Each participant should have at least a degree in a scientific discipline (exceptions are possible on request!), have a strong interest in thinking through difficult issues
on the faith and science debate and be a spiritually mature Christian.

YRM Leader

Alexander Fink is Director of the Institute for Faith and Science (Institut für Glaube und Wissenschaft) in Marburg, Germany (, He studied physics at the universities of Bayreuth and St. Andrews (UK) and received his PhD at the Institute for Biophysics at the University of Regensburg. After having worked as an industrial product manager, he became director of SMD graduates' ministry (Akademiker-SMD, the German branch of IFES) until 2014. His passion is the dialogue of science, faith, and worldviews. He has produced apologetic documentary movies which have been officially recommended for use in public schools in Germany. The institute’s Begründet-glauben-Podcast which started in June 2020 has more than 240,000 downloads. From 2008-2017, he coorganised the annual Regensburger Symposium at the University of Regensburg. Since 2008 he has been a member of the ELF Steering Committee and has co-led the Scientists Network. Together with his wife, Alexander enjoys raising his two children.

Application Process

To apply:

  1. Thoroughly review the curriculum.

  2. Complete the online application.

  3. All applications will be reviewed. We will notify you whether or not you have been accepted as a participant in the 2025-26 programme within four to six weeks.

If you have questions, contact us at